Social Sailing

The Social Sailing Fleet , which dates from the late 1990’s is a group of some 100 plus HISC club members interested in mid week activities both on and off the water.
Class Captain: Gary Gledhill
Taking advantage of the quieter atmosphere mid week in the harbour and Solent the activities include rallies in the Solent (Solent Sailors), on the water activities in the harbour and a monthly lunch meeting at HISC and at other clubs in Chichester.
The ethos is to promote enjoyable sailing, good company and having fun whilst appreciating the wonderful environment of the harbour and Solent
A programme of events can be found on the HISC website or on the Social Sailing website
Any member of HISC can join. This Cruising Fleet welcomes those lucky HISC members who are able to sail during mid-week. At this time, the waters and Marinas are not so congested or busy and usually everything is much more peaceful and relaxed.
To join the fleet the 2023 annual subscription is £5 per person, payable to the Captain or Treasurer
Click Here for information on the HISC Social Sailing group and the latest Programme of activities.
At the beginning and end of the season, short day-trips are made around Chichester Harbour, supporting the local sailing clubs.
During the summer, longer sails are enjoyed as far afield as Poole Harbour. Visits to other, prestigious Sailing Clubs are arranged and many an interesting Pub walk/beach BBQ is planned.
Aside from the sailing events there is a comprehensive programme for members who now sail relatively infrequently.
For more information, contact the fleet captain Gary Gledhill.
Essential Safety
Moorings Tender Timetable